Today is my birthday. And I'm posting a few wishes I have for this day:
* I hope our film "Little Boy/ Big Boy" will be successful even if it's not your typical and commercial "gay erotic film".
* I hope the shoot of our next film "Sabong" by Joselito Altarejos will turn out well. Production will start this 2nd week of May.
* I hope I can find time to write a screenplay again despite my extremely busy yoga schedule.
* I hope my screenplay for Cinema One "Rosario" gets chosen.
* I hope I can have a hot sex with a hot hunky guy (I'm just kidding my boyfriend here)
It has also been a year of Lexuality. And this blog has opened opportunities for me to meet wonderful people. Thank you to all my regular visitors (especially to "Line of Flight" you amaze me with your thoughts).
PS I need to clarify that the picture on top, that's not me! (as if I have to mention it)
the feeling and many of your hopes are shared (maybe 1-4) among us commoners who are affected by your art and read your blog. happy birthday to you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I have been an avid reader of your blogs for quite sometime. I am not a good writer but you are the only one who inspired me to start writing my own blogs. I also loved all the screenplays you did. MORE POWER to you and may you continually inspire other struggling writers like me. May God bless you always.
Happy Birthday Lex!!!
ONCE UPON A TIME...a fine chap by the name of Lexy Bonife visited a blogsite called HMP. he made an open invite to visit his new blog called Lexuality. curious Ms. Anonymous visited the new site, and from that time on and up to today became a hooked-regular- visitor/commentor...Lex, on this convivial occasions, my wish is for all your wishes and aspirations come true...SAVOUR YOUR DAY!
happy birthday lex!!!
more meaningful years to come!!!
hopefully you'd be a mentor. i am starting to write again.
Happy birthday Lex
happy birthday!
Belated Happy Birthday!
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