Do you like swallowing your man's cum?
Here are a few tips for him to do to have a "delicious" cum from Outrage Magazine
plums, mangoes, pineapples, nectarines, oranges, lemons, limes, parsley, coriander, buko, spearmint, peppermint, grapefruit and green tea and sweets.
Diabetics' semen tends to have a honey or cantaloupe flavour because of the excess sugars in their bodies.
asparagus, chicken, garlic, onions, dairy products, red meat, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, greasy food, spices, coffee, and chocolate.
Based on this information, i realized, I must have a bad tasting cum. And I don't intend to taste it at all just to prove it to myself. And I don't intend to change my diet just to have a "delectable" cum!
For more information on swallowing "cum", it's health risks and all,
click: http://www.outragemag.com/main/Swallowera.html
someone told me when i was younger that cinnamon did the trick. but i have no empirical data to offer to validate that old wives' tale.
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