One of my friends asked me "What can you say about three way relationships?"
And I replied, "What the hell is a three way relationship?"
My friend described that he is now the boyfriend of two men who are both in a relationship. In short, there are three men and one relationship and each man openly professes his love and commitment to the other two guys.
According to my friend, the golden rule in this relationship is that nothing should be hidden or kept secret from any of the participants.
I am just amazed on how human beings continuously redefine the meaning of relationships.
How about you? Do you think this would work?
It would be nice if one of these relationships worked in the long run, but as the ancient Chinese text, the I Ching says, when there are three, one arrives and/or one departs.
I have noticed, in my short life, that when a couple finds a third, there is a structural problem with the relationship that cannot be resolved (they don't love each other, the projections have receded, but they can't give up the relationship). it is impossible for any human to project their love-fantasy stuff onto two people and so the third's unconscious ends up being the judge or relationship counselor for the first two.
amazing and they have been together how long?
Wow very interesting topic..
can't wait for your response
let me simply summarize what line of flight is trying to say :
stop the rhetoric and delve into punto-por-punto. don't waste too much newsprint. Baguio is denuded enough.
WHOA. now thats something new. seriously?
im speechless
evergreen, if only it were that simple. however, i don't know anything about lex's friends or their relationship. how can i make the simple judgment you offer? i'm just taking a general position from my experience and offering some support for it. perhaps lex's friend may come across my comment and disagree seeing that his experience does not comport with mine. then there is no disagreement, because it works for him for other reasons. my comments do not suffer as rhetoric here, but as reasoned judgment.
For me this relationship is "LIBOG LANG"
hey sherwin here - can u call me 7250901 i need a writer. can i feature u?!
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