"Tubog sa Ginto" is one of the earliest gay films in Philippine Cinema created by no less than the master filmmaker Lino Brocka.
And as part of the commemoration of the 70th birthday of the late National Artist, Cultural Center of the Philippines will showcase this rare film on April 25 (Saturday), 7pm at the CCP Tanghalang Manuel Conde.
"Tubog sa Ginto" stars Eddie Garcia and is probably the first Filipino film to feature a "discreet gay man" as its lead character.
I will definitely not miss this opportunity to watch this gem of Brocka.
=( too bad i'm not in town.
THE CHINAMAN AT THE MALL...pirated Brocka's works are all over the Chinese mall EXCEPT those that matters the most to me - Tubog sa Ginto and Maynila sa Kuko. why? i don't know. i asked the Chinaman and he said, "Me no know, me no watch, I sell $2 cheap."
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