Monday, January 12, 2009

Naked Yoga

I have always been intrigued by the "Hot Nude Yoga" which is popular among gay men in New York City.

According to its founder Aaron Star "HNY (Hot Nude Yoga) is a unique opportunity for men, who are healthy and in good physical condition, to raise their consciousness and initiate a yoga practice."

"More specifically, at HNY, we practice Tantra Yoga, which will teach you how to access untapped sexual core energy so that you can learn to live your life with inner peace and joy. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to meet other physically fit men and discover, through partner yoga, how to touch other men energetically and sensually."

Imagine breathing deeply in a warm place with hot sexy men, doing different asanas (yoga poses) -- to me sounds like a heavenly workout!

Now, I'm thinking whether to offer a naked yoga classs here in Manila as well! Hmmm....


Anonymous said...

HNY could have chosen a more attractive yogi as poster boy. then maybe, then maybe, i could give yoga a second thought. but first let me go shopping at TNA or Lululemon for some trendy mat and exercise outfits.

hey, it's monday today and its lights out at the corner bathouse. and tomorrow is asian and asian lovers night...WHOA! MY HANDS ARE FULL. yoga will have to wait.

LoF said...

I would comment only that if yoga is an opportunity to bring mindfulness back to our bodies and life, I could see nakedness to be a distraction to some. Of course, you have so-called masters hitting their students with bamboo sticks on their backs in the middle of meditation unannounced which I would find not just distracting but enraging -- which is of course supposed to be the point. In that respect, collective nakedness could be beneficial.